
In the ORB ecosystem, we introduce the concept of NFTs, which we refer to as Collectibles. Collectibles represent unique and valuable digital assets that can be created by developers within their projects and collections. These can represent anything you wish in your game. For example, an Collectible, can provide access to a secret arena in your game, given that the player owns it. Your players can also dynamically create Collectibles while in-game.

In this section, we will explore what Collectibles are in the ORB platform and introduce you to the exciting possibilities they offer.

What are Collectibles?

Collectibles in ORB are akin to Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) but carry the distinctive label of "Collectibles" to emphasize their unique and personalized nature. As a developer, once you've established a project and defined collections within it, you gain the ability to create your own Collectibles.

Each Collectible comprises several key features:

  1. TokenId: Each Collectible has a unique tokenId, with which you can look up information about it. TokenIds in general follow a serial pattern, meaning the first Collectible you create will most likely have the tokenId 0, the second one the tokenId 1 etc.

  2. Metadata: Collectibles come with an immutable metadata component that allows you to attach vital information, details, or properties to your digital asset. This metadata provides context and richness to your Collectibles, making them more engaging and informative.

  3. Editions: Developers have the freedom to create multiple editions of their Collectibles. This essentially means that a Collectible can have "multiple copies" of it, thus making it possible for multiple people to own an edition of it.

  4. $ORB Token Infusion: In the ORB ecosystem, you can infuse your Collectibles with ORB tokens, enhancing their value and utility. The process of $ORB infusion will be covered in-depth in subsequent sections of this documentation.

  5. Actions: Once a Collectible is created, developers can perform various actions on them, including minting additional editions, sending Collectibles to other users, or even permanently removing them from circulation through burning.

Accessing Collectible Information

The ORB3 API provides comprehensive functionality for querying information about your Collectibles. You can easily access details such as ownership, edition history, and metadata associated with your Collectibles.

In the upcoming sections of this documentation, we will embark on a deep dive into the intricate processes related to Collectibles in ORB. You will learn how to create, manage, infuse, and interact with your Collectibles, unlocking the full potential of this versatile asset type within the ORB platform.

Last updated