
In the world of ORB, a Collection serves as the foundational building block of our platform, offering developers the capability to organize, curate, and manage a diverse array of digital assets. Collections provide a structured framework for developers to create and showcase their NFTs, collectibles, and tokens within the context of their projects. In this introductory section, we will explore what a collection represents in the ORB platform.

What is a Collection?

In the ORB ecosystem, a Collection is a container that can be created within the confines of a project. It acts as a logical repository for your digital assets, allowing you to group related NFTs, collectibles, or tokens together for efficient management. Each collection is defined by three key attributes:

  1. Name: A human-readable label that succinctly identifies the collection. The name helps users understand the theme or purpose of the collection.

  2. Description: A textual description that provides additional context and details about the collection. This description can be used to convey the collection's unique characteristics or the story behind its creation.

  3. Image: An image that visually represents the collection. This image serves as a visual cue to users, allowing them to quickly recognize and associate the collection with its content.

  4. CollectionId: The collectionId is created once the collection is created on the ORB platform. The collectionId of each collection coincides with the contract address the collection is deployed to on Tezos.

In the ORB platform, a single project can encompass multiple collections, enabling you to organize your digital assets in a structured and modular manner. This flexibility empowers you to create a diverse range of NFTs, collectibles, or tokens, each catering to different aspects of your project.

What's Next?

In the following sections of this documentation, we will delve into the practical aspects of working with collections in ORB. You will learn how to create your first collection, define its attributes, and access essential information about it through our powerful API.

Last updated