Burning a Collectible

Use the following Mutation in order to burn editions of a collectible.

mutation BurnToken($input: BurnTokenInput!) {
  BurnToken(input: $input) {
Input Variables
 "input": {
    "burnValue": 1,
    "collectionId": "KT1SjwraTtii88ZaEs8ReU6wkUreTvM8qfaa",
    "tokenId": "0"

A few things to keep in mind when wanting to burn editions of a collectible:

  • burnValue: This is the number of editions, of a specific collectible, you wish to burn.

  • collectionId: The collectionId that the collectible belongs to.

  • tokenId: The tokenId of the collectible you want to burn editions of.

If the collectible you are burning has been infused with ORB tokens, then the ORB tokens will be added to your balance. They are not burned together with the edition of the collectible.

Sample Response
  "data": {
    "BurnToken": {
      "transactionHash": "ooRADFbt8ftELT5Vd3qwH3vfmxy1WZz7M4oqTn75BTMmPWKpZi7"

Once the transaction has been signed from the developer wallet, the edition of the collectible will be successfully burned and the value of the edition will be reflected in the balance of the wallet. The hash of the transaction is returned as a response, in order to monitor the status of the transaction.

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