Creating your Project

Creating your first project

Use the following mutation to create your project in ORB.

mutation CreateProject($description: String!, $name: String!) {
  CreateProject(description: $description, name: $name) {
Input Variables
"description": "This is a test description",
"name": "Test Game"

In order to create your project in ORB, you will need to provide the name of the project as well as a short description of it. Once you send the mutation to the API, you will receive the following transaction. Upon signing the transaction, the project will be created in the ORB platform.

Once you sign the transaction, and the project is created you will receive a response. This response shows the initial information that was registered together with the creation of your project. The status "LIVE" signifies that your project is visible in the ORB platform.

The gameId, which you will receive as a response, is the unique identifier of your project in the ORB platform. It is crucial that you keep a note of this, as you will need to use it when creating your collection or syncing a player's wallet to your project.

Sample Response
  "data": {
    "CreateProject": {
      "gameId": "game:pMbL1eCuM-2rASopuasZF",
      "devWallet": "tz1aWZmdKqKvGP331yWJjqgCZakGci3VAGmj",
      "description": "This is a test description",
      "createdAt": "06-09-2023",
      "name": "Test Game",
      "status": "LIVE"

Last updated