Collectible Offers

What are Offers?

If you want to purchase a collectible from the ORB Marketplace, you can directly make an offer to buy it for a set price. This will create a notification to all owners of this collectible, that an offer has been made, and allow them to accept or deny it. You can make an offer on an Collectible, even if none of the owners have listed it for sale. If one of the owners accepts the offer, the collectible will be send to your wallet address and you will send the price at which you made the offer against.

Make your first offer

Use the following mutation to make an offer for a Collectible in ORB.

mutation CreateOffer($input: CreateOfferInput!) {
  CreateOffer(input: $input) {
Input Variables
"input": {
    "collectionId": "KT1AcxKcwf5bdNfwY6qYMVFjx4mGVftLThP2",
    "expiryTime": "1700642468",
    "offerPrice": 100,
    "tokenId": "2"

In terms of the input variables of the mutation, here are a few tips to help you understand the process:

  • collectionId: This is the collectionId of the collectible on which this mutation will have an effect on. More specifically, this is the collectionId under which you have created your collectible, which you wish to make an offer for.

  • expiryTime: This is the time that the offer will expire. The format of this input needs to be in epoch. Here is a very handy date time to epoch converter, to help you with this input parameter.

  • offerPrice: This is the price you wish to make an offer for the collectible.

  • tokenId: This is the tokenId of the collectible on which this mutation will have an effect on.

Once you call the mutation, you will receive the following transaction. Upon signing the transaction, the offer for the collectible will be created in the ORB Marketplace.

Sample Response
  "data": {
    "CreateOffer": {
      "state": "operation_response",
      "transactionHash": "ooxhTzh2KkL3XY14ANukHN2SXEviL9ag4se1JsW1NyaUEspjJf5"

Once the transaction has been signed from the developer, an offer for the collectible will be created on the ORB Marketplace. Furthermore, a notification will be send to all owners of this collectible, in order to let them know that this offer has been created and give them the option to either accept or deny the offer.

Fulfill an Offer

Use the following mutation to fulfill an offer for a collectible in ORB.

mutation FulfillOffer($input: FulFillOfferInput!) {
  FulfillOffer(input: $input) {
Input Variables
"input": {
    "OfferId": "8"

In terms of the input variables of the mutation, here are a few tips to help you understand the process:

  • OfferId: This is the OfferId of the offer on which this mutation will have an effect on.

Once you call the mutation, you will receive the following transaction. Upon signing the transaction, the collectible will be sold, and the listing fulfilled.

Sample Response
  "data": {
    "FulfillOffer": {
      "state": "applied",
      "transactionHash": "opC2d7YNjau2ncARApPnP5vUX7LeuLrkkHz62ER2uvu9FWymau7Xa2"

Once the transaction has been signed from the developer, the offer will be removed from the ORB Marketplace. This means that the user who created the offer for the collectible will receive it in their wallet address, and the user who accepted the offer will receive the price for which the collectible was sold for.

Retract an Offer

In case you wish to change any of the inputs you have previously included in an offer you have made, or you simple want to retract an offer you have made, you can always retract the offer from the Marketplace. Once retracted, you can create a new one.

Use the following mutation to retract a listing in ORB.

mutation RetractOffer($input: RetractListingInput!) {
  RetractOffer(input: $input) {
Input Variables
"input": {
    "OfferId": "63"

In terms of the input variables of the mutation, here are a few tips to help you understand the process:

  • OfferId: This is the OfferId of the listing on which this mutation will have an effect on.

Once you call the mutation, you will receive the following transaction. Upon signing the transaction, the offer for the collectible will be retracted from the ORB Marketplace immediately.

Sample Response
  "data": {
    "RetractOffer": {
      "state": "applied",
      "transactionHash": "opC9y7YNYCgGRApPnP5vUX7LeuLrkkHz62ER2uvu9FWymau7Xa2"

Once the transaction has been signed from the developer, the offer will be removed from the ORB Marketplace.

Last updated